by Mary Beth Sligar | May 1, 2012 | Crafts
One of the advantages of flipping houses (which my husband and I have done for years) is the cast off building materials acquired after a project is complete. My favorite finds include drawers, old wooden windows, cabinets, and lumber that can be repurposed for many...
by Mary Beth Sligar | Apr 1, 2012 | Food
Whether your family celebrates Easter with a large traditional dinner or a casual brunch, many prepare their springtime holiday spread with traditional family favorites. Preparing dishes the day before is an easy way to create a stress-free Sunday, leaving extra time...
by Mary Beth Sligar | Apr 1, 2012 | Crafts
Easter is just a hop, skip and jump away so it’s a perfect occasion for spending some quality family time dying eggs and doing crafts. Kids love crafts and getting messy so creating paper egg baskets is an ideal family project. Spread out some newspaper, gather a few...
by Mary Beth Sligar | Mar 1, 2012 | Features
When you hear the terms “stand by for lights”, “curtain open” or “fade to black” you may wonder what they are all about. For those involved with the theater though, they are recognizable as production commands. Beginning March 15th the Magic Valley Dilettantes will...
by Mary Beth Sligar | Feb 1, 2012 | Food
Soup aka “comfort food” is perfect for our bitter cold Idaho winters. Whether you want healthy and homemade, or quick and simple, nothing compares to homemade soup and it is easier to make than you think. Even if you are strapped for time, you can quickly make a large...