Pomerelle Pounder: Take on a Mountain!

Pomerelle Pounder: Take on a Mountain!

Imagine yourself careening down a forested mountainside at 30 mph, descending more than 1,000 vertical feet while negotiating hair-pin turns, 12-foot A-frames and treacherous rock-beds. Welcome to the Pomerelle Pounder, a downhill mountain bike race sponsored by Utah...
Idaho State Bowhunters

Idaho State Bowhunters

The draw results are out and if your luck is anything like mine you’re now planning an open archery hunt. While flinging arrows all summer, in the back of my mind I held hopes of trophy archery elk and rifle muley tags. With those firmly behind me, it’s now time to...
Burley Boat Regatta

Burley Boat Regatta

The Idaho Regatta hosts the A.P.B.A. Flatbottom National Championships It’s that time again. Each summer the best boat racers in the world, along with water sports fans, converge in Burley, Idaho for three days of non-stop crowd-pleasing speed and excitement....
Bowfishing Southern Idaho

Bowfishing Southern Idaho

In Southern Idaho we like our fishing and we like our hunting. Combine the two and you come out with a sportsman’s summertime paradise. Though lazy days lounging on a riverbank wielding a traditional rod and reel will never lose their place as one of our greatest...
Almo Creek Outpost

Almo Creek Outpost

Like many Southern Idahoans, I often complain that there’s nothing to do. Perhaps this is because I approach the subject with too narrow of a focus. There might not be big concerts rolling through town or fancy festivals in parks, but most of us have chosen small town...