by Paula D. Webb | Feb 1, 2012 | Getting-Out
Air borne with nothing but snow and an 8,000 foot decent to the valley below, ski and boarding competitors practice jumps, grabs, kicks and spins as they get ready for Pomerelle’s Big Trick Competition, Saturday, February 11, 2012. Dealing with up to 7 feet of snow...
by Karma Metzler Fitzgerald | Feb 1, 2012 | Getting-Out
They’re counting the seconds. Literally. Open up the home page at and the first thing you see is a countdown, ticking off the seconds, minutes, hours and days to this year’s Snowkite Solider. It’s the sixth year of an event that brings hundreds...
by Monica Matthews | Jan 1, 2012 | Getting-Out
Stepping out on each month’s first Friday becomes a lively event when those steps are taken into Twin Falls’ historic downtown. Twangy strains rolling from the worn stings of an old country guitar and vibrant window displays are but a few of many attractions likely...
by Christie Lewis | Aug 1, 2011 | Features
The gun goes off and suddenly the calm water of Dierkes Lake surrenders to the chaos of paddling oars. Smoke puffs from the the mouth of a long-necked dragon as it takes the lead. A lonely alligator falls behind, but a great white shark gives chase, pulling up...
by Paula D. Webb | Aug 1, 2011 | Getting-Out
When Magic Valley Astronomical Society created a star party on top of Pomerelle Mountain Ski Resort in Southern Idaho, they brought star gazing to new heights. The 8,000-foot elevation atop Pomerelle creates a “sweet spot” for star gazers, says Chris Anderson,...